It's better for your health (and your weight) to eat breakfast than to skip it. And it's definitely better to eat a healthy breakfast, high in fibers and nutrients, than one full of refined grains, sugar, salt, and/or saturated fat. Many people go wrong by eating a breakfast made up mostly of refined carbohydrates with very little fiber and protein, like a refined flour bagel, a muffin made with sugar and white flour, or a sugary low-fiber breakfast cereal.
Let me show you my own healthy breakfast recipe. It help me loose 50 pounds. Two years already taking this fabulous nutrition and still loving it!!
Es mejor para tu salud y tu peso, comer un desayuno que malpasarte. Y difinitivamente nada mejor que un desayuno, alto en fibra y nutrientes, envez de azucar y sal refinada o grasa saturada. Mucha gente hase mal en comer carbohydratos refinados, pobres en fibra y proteina, como un bagel, muffin, echos de azucar y arina blanca o un cereal alto en azucar y bajo en fibra.
Deja te muestro mi propira receta, de un desayuno saludable. Me ayudo a perder 50 libras. Han pasado ya dos anos y sigo tomando esta fabulosa nutricion y me facina!
A healthy meal with up to 20 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients.
Una comida con 20 vitaminas, minerales y nutrientes esenciales.
9g of protein and healthy fiber help support weight management.
9g de proteina y fibra saludable que ayuda al control de peso.
Fat-free protein supplement for hunger control.
Suplumento de proteina para controlar el hambre.
Contains 5g of soy and whey protein, and all 9 essential amino acids.
Contiene 5g de soya y 9 aminoacidos encensiales
Delicious, instant and low-calorie.
Delicioso, instantanio y bajo en calorias
Provides an energy boost and weight control.
Incrementa su energía y ayuda al control de peso.
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