Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS, is often associated with a wide variety of symptoms that present in a female 5-12 days prior to her menstrual cycle. These symptoms can be physical and/or emotional in nature, and often improve once menstruation begins.

Physical symptoms include: fatigue, insomnia, changes in libido, acne, hives, cramps, bloating, weight gain, headaches, breast tenderness, swelling in the hands and feet, flu-like symptoms (sore throat, sinus problems, and mild fever), heart palpitation, nausea, dizziness, and fainting.

Emotional symptoms include: mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, confusion, forgetfulness, emotional eating, food cravings (salt, sweet, spices, alcohol, etc), anger, short tempered, frustrated, "emotional rollercoaster," and loss of sex drive.

Check my page to find out what product will help you improve your symptoms.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Garlic Benefits..Beneficios De El Ajo

Studies show that garlic supplementation may reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Additionally, garlic supplementation was associated with a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol in men and women.

So why take Herbalife ??

Herbalife has a high quality garlic supplement to support healthy circulation and healthy heart.

Exclusively endorsed by Novel Prize - Winning scientist, Dr Ignarro

Supports and enhances your body's immune function.

Each tablet contains the equivalent of one whole clove of garlic.

If you  know anyone with foot fungus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol or just simply wants a natural anti inflammatory, garlic might be a simply solution for them.

Estudios demuestran que el sumplemento de el ajo puede reducir los riesgos de enfermedades cardiovasculares. En adicion a esto es asociado con una significante baja en el cholesterol de hombres y mujeres.

Por que tomar Herbalife??

Este excepcional suplemento de ajo promueve la salud cardio vascular.

Contribuye a una circulacion y un corazon saludable.

Cada tableta proporciona los poderosos beneficios de un diente de ajo.

Es un antinflamatorio natural.

Si conoses a alguien con hongos en los pies, alta presion, alto el cholesterol o simplemente quieren un desinflamatorio natural, el ajo puede ser la solucion para esas personas.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Monster or .....?

There are many side effects to energy drinks. Ingredients such as carbohydrates, sugar and caffeine can cause dangerous, negative side effects.

Caffeine is one of the primary ingredients that give energy drinks their energy boost. Each 16-oz can of Monster energy drinks contain 160 mg of caffeine.

One serving of Monster energy drinks contain 27 grams of carbohydrates, most of which are derived from sugar. Most people drink the entire can and don't  realize that each 16 ounce can of Monster contains two servings. Two servings total 54 grams of carbohydrates.

Each 16-oz. can of Monster contains 54 grams of sugar. High quantities can alter insulin levels and dangerous complications, including headache, seizures and coma.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quieres tener tu propio negocio?

Hola, te invito a que conoscas mas sobre esta gran compania que es Herbalife. Quieres tu propio negocio, poner tu propio horario, ganar lo que quieres? Nos vemos hoy Jueves alas 6:00pm  326 E. Holt Blvd, Ontario.

Grasias a Herbalife, trabajo desde mi casa, puedo llevar  a mi hija a la escuela y puedo ayudar a mucha gente a verse y sentirse mejor.
Deja te comparto estas historias de exito. Una de ellas puedes ser tu! :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What's for breakfast? Que hay para desayunar?

It's  better for your health (and your weight) to eat breakfast than to skip it. And it's definitely better to eat a healthy breakfast, high in fibers and nutrients, than one full of refined grains, sugar, salt, and/or saturated fat. Many people go wrong by eating a breakfast made up mostly of refined carbohydrates with very little fiber and protein, like a refined flour bagel, a muffin made with sugar and white flour, or a sugary low-fiber breakfast cereal.
Let me show you my own healthy breakfast recipe. It help me loose 50 pounds. Two years already taking this fabulous nutrition and still loving it!!

Es mejor para tu salud y tu peso, comer un desayuno  que malpasarte. Y difinitivamente nada mejor que un desayuno, alto en fibra y nutrientes, envez de azucar y sal refinada o grasa saturada. Mucha gente hase mal en comer carbohydratos refinados, pobres en fibra y proteina, como un bagel, muffin, echos de azucar y arina blanca o un cereal alto en azucar y bajo en fibra.
Deja te muestro mi propira receta, de un desayuno saludable. Me ayudo a perder 50 libras. Han pasado ya dos anos y sigo tomando esta fabulosa nutricion y me facina!

A healthy meal with up to 20 vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients.
Una comida con 20 vitaminas, minerales y nutrientes esenciales.

9g of protein and healthy fiber help support weight management.
9g de proteina y fibra saludable que ayuda al control de peso.

Fat-free protein supplement for hunger control.
Suplumento de proteina para controlar el hambre.

Contains 5g of soy and whey protein, and all 9 essential amino acids.
Contiene 5g de soya y 9 aminoacidos encensiales

Delicious, instant and low-calorie.
Delicioso, instantanio y bajo en calorias

Provides an energy boost and weight control.
Incrementa su energĂ­a y ayuda al control de peso.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Herbalife Nutrition Clubs

You might wonder what's a nutrition club. Nutrition clubs are located around the world. The clubs are great for building support of weight loss and some people just go there to take their everyday nutrition.

 Some distributors hold the meetings in their homes, while others acquire office space. I am an Herbalife  distributor and have a nutrition club at home. This was a great opportunity for me, to earn extra income and help others. I manage my own schedule and I am my own boss.

Many of the distributors know much about nutrition and fitness and are a great resource to help achieve your weight loss goals. However, if you have a passion for helping others attain their optimal health and the ability to learn, you can become a distributor!

Te podras preguntar que es un club de nutricion. Los clubs de nutricion estan localisados al rededor del mundo. Los clubs son exelente metodo de soporte para la perdida de peso, aunque algunos solo acuden a tomar su nutricion diaria sin que nesesiten perder peso.

Algunos distribuidores llevan acabo sus juntas en sus casas o rentan una oficina. Yo soy una distribuidora de Herbalife y tengo un club de nutricion en casa. Esto fue una gran oportunidad para mi, de ganar dinero extra y ayudar a otros. Yo manejo mi propio horario y soy mi propia jefe :)

Muchos de los distribuidores saben mucho sobre nutricion y son un gran recurso para ayudar a otros a sus metas de perdida de peso. Pero si tu tienes una pasion por ayudadar a otros a obtener la salud optima y dispuesto a aprender, tu podrias ser un distribuidor!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year Resolution!

What's your new year's  resolution? Most of us start the year with a commitment, personal goals, projects or quit a habit. So what's yours? Loose weight, exercise more, eat better, improve finances, get out of debt, etc....
In march of 2010 my mom's friend invited me to a Herbalife Nutrition Club. I had no idea what kind of place was that, but any how I went, and my sponsor  Erika, introduced me to this great nutrition. From march of 2010 to march of 2011 went from size 16 to a size 6. I used to weight 196 pounds, that was alot for a 5 feet tall person like me. I was depressed, suffered from anxiety disorder, severe migraines plus I was overweight.
So this year I'm going to start a good eating habit and exercise more, and of course still taking my Herbalife Nutrition. I will keep you posted of my progress and will see how much more weight I loose this year.
Good Luck everyone with your new year's resolution! Thank You for reading! **Monse**

Cual es tu resolucion de este nuevo 2012? Muchos de nosotros empezamos con un compromiso, una meta personal, proyectos or quitarnos un mal habito. Entonses cual es el tuyo? Perder peso, mas ejercisio, comer mejor, mejorar tus finansas, salir de deudas, etc..
En marzo del el 2010 una amiga de mi mama me invito a un club de nutricion de Herbalife. No tenia idea de lo que era, pero no perdi nada con ir. Mi patricinadora Erika, me introdujo a esta maravillosa nutricion. De marzo de el 2010 a marzo de el 2011, ya habia bajado de una talla 16 a una talla 6. Pesaba 196 libras, eso realmente era mucho para una persona que media 5 pies como yo. Estaba deprimida, sufria de anciedad, migranas severas y sobre todo en sobre peso.
Este 2012 voy a empezar a tener unos mejores habitos alimenticios y ser mas activa. Y no podia faltar mi nutricion celular de Herbalife. Los mantendre informados de mi progreso y cuanto peso mas voy a bajar para este 2012.
Buena suerte a todos con sus resoluciones! Grasias por leer! **Monse**



Sunday, January 8, 2012

Have you done a colon cleansing?!

Have you done a colon cleaning lately?! Well, that's what I want to share with you today. During the holidays we tend to eat more than usual. Most of the time what we eat does not come out. Average people hold 2-25 pounds of excrement. Undigested meat and other foods cause mucus buildup in the colon. This buildup produces toxins which enter the blood's circulation, poisoning the body. These toxins cause a wide range of symptoms, such as: fatigue, headache, weight gain, and low energy, severe constipation or colon cancer, just to name a few.  Hope this information was helpful to you!